Natural Language Processing


1. Fadte, S., Vaz, E., Ojha, A.K., Karmali, R., Pawar, J.D.: “Empirical analysis of oral and nasal vowels of Konkani”, 10th Language & Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics-2023, pp.62-67, April 21-23, 2023, Poznań, Poland.
2. Swapnil Fadte, Edna Vaz Fernandes, Ramdas Karmali, and Jyoti D. Pawar. Acoustic Analysis of Vowels in Konkani. ACM Trans. Asian Low-Resour. Lang. Inf. Process. 21, 5, Article 88 (September 2022), 13 pages."
3. Sanjana Manerkar, Kavita Asnani, Preeti Ravindranath Khorjuvenkar, Shilpa Desai, and Jyoti D. Pawar. 2022. Konkani WordNet: Corpus-Based Enhancement using Crowdsourcing. ACM Trans. Asian Low-Resour. Lang. Inf. Process. 21, 4, Article 80 (July 2022), 18 pages.
4. The TDIL program and the Indian Language Corpora Initiative (ILCI), Parallel Coprora creation, Girish Nath Jha,Special Center for Sanskrit Studies Jawaharlal Nehru University
5. Automated Paradigm Selection for FSA based Konkani Verb Morphological Analyzer, "Shilpa Desai, Jyoti Pawar, Pushpak Bhattacharyya", 2012
6. BIS Annotation Standards With Reference to Konkani Language, BIS POS Tagset Creation, "Edna Vaz, Shantaram V. Walawalikar , Dr.Jyoti Pawar, Dr.Madhavi Sardesai", December 2012
7. Staged Approach for Grammatical Gender Identification of Nouns using Association Rule Mining and Classification, automatic three stage gender identification approach using word and morphological features, which can be used to assign grammatical gender to nouns in a WordNet., "Shilpa Desai, Jyoti Pawar, Pushpak Bhattacharyya", 2015
8. Insights on the Konkani WordNet Development Process, Konkani wordnet creation process, "Shilpa N. Desai, Shantaram W. Walawalikar, Ramdas N. Karmali and Jyoti D. Pawar", 2017
9. An Efficient Database Design for IndoWordNet Development Using Hybrid Approach., Database design Konkani Wordnet, "Venkatesh Prabhu, Shilpa Desai, Hanumant Redkar, Neha Prabhugaonkar, Apurva Nagvenkar, and Ramdas Karmal", 2012
10. Konkani WordNet: Corpus-Based Enhancement using Crowdsourcing, Development a crowdsourcing tool to collect data to enhance Konkani wordnet data, "Sanjana Manerkar, Kavita Asnani, Preeti Ravindranath Khorjuvenkar, Shilpa Desai, Jyoti Pawar ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing"
11. IndoWordNet Application Programming Interfaces, Develpoment of an object oriented Application Programming Interface (API) to facilitate easy and rapid development of tools and other software resources that require WordNet access and manipulation functionality. , "Neha R Prabhugaonkar, Apurva S Nagvenkar, Ramdas N Karmali", 2012
12. Indowordnet conversion to web ontology language (OWL), "Apurva Nagvenkar, Jyoti Pawar, Pushpak Bhattacharyya", 2016
13. Wordnet website development and deployment using content management approach, "Neha R Prabhugaonkar, Apurva Nagvenkar, Venkatesh Prabhu, Ramdas Karmali", 2012
Natural Language Processing